Generation options are used to optionally supply additional information to control the generation for the current site.

Currently this allows you to specify two different options.

Copyright Disclaimer

Add disclaimer and/or copyright text to be added to the banner of generated components.

Auto Archive

Select this option to automatically save a copy (archive version) of the current specification prior to storing a new specification. This specification applies to all users and all models of the current site only. Follow this link to learn more about archiving and restoring specifications.

Information Schema

Certain models, such as the db_object and db_table_browse models are capable of extracting metadata from MySQL. To do so, these models need to establish a connection to MySQL which reads the information_schema database. Normally, this connection is made using the same GenHelm schema definition that is used by the site being maintained. For example, the schema that is specified under site_settings. If you don't want to use the site's default schema to access this metadata, enter an alternate schema name here. 

Sample generation options spec
Sample generation_options shown in the generated code