Command Description Parameters (N/A means No Parameters Apply)
? List valid commands. N/A
* Copy the last executed command to the command line. *= can be used to re-execute the last command.
archive Create an archived version of the current specification. Up to 60 words to describe the significance of this archive version.
cancel Close certain active command windows such as the output from list, pages and this help. N/A
cast Used to switch the model associated with a specification while preserving common properties. Start by using the desired model then use the cast command an refer to an object that uses a different model. If one parameter is supplied it should be the name of a unique specification to be casted into the currently active model. If this specification is not unique you must supply two parameters wherein the first parameter is the model associated with the specification.
change Used to perform a search and replace operation for the current specification. This command is model-specific and may not be supported by all models. The first parameter is the string to be searched for and the second parameter is the replacement string. Parameters containing spaces must be quoted.
check Used to test the current specification for validity without saving it. This can be abbreviated to c. N/A
clear Clear the current specification to start over. Does not save anything. N/A
create Used to create a new website. Only users defined to Group site-admin and Role site-creator are allowed to create new sites. The first parameter must be the keyword site. The second parameter reflects the name of the site directory to be created.
dearchive Delete one or more versions of the archive associated with the current specification. For details, please visit Archiving and Restoring Specifications.
delete Delete a specification along with the generated components associated with the model. The name of the specification to be deleted. If the specification is not unique, the first parameter must be the name of the specification's model and the second parameter is the component to be deleted. To delete the currently loaded specification use the = sign (as in delete =).
edit Edit a specification. If parameter one is a model, this will edit a new specification for this model. Parameter one can also be the name of a specification, in such a case this existing specification will be loaded into the editor. By default, the system will look for the specification in the folder associated with the current model. To load a specification from a subfolder, precede the name with its model name (eg. e select gender). Edit without any parameters can be used to resume editing after a command such as help. Use = to reload the current specification (you will lose any changes made since it was last saved).
example Load example code. Model specific, some models may not supply example code. If a model support multiple examples, you can pass a parameter to indicate which example to load.
fin Finish the use of GenHelm within the current tab and free up related session variables. Unlike logoff, which frees resources and logs you out of all browser tabs, fin is specific to the current tab. Always use the fin command before closing the browser tab or navigating to another site. N/A
history Show entries from the update log. The default behaviour depends on what is currently being edited. If a spec is being edited, the history command shows that latest entries for the current spec. If no spec is currently loaded, but a model name is known, you will see a history of specs that use the current model. Pass the keyword "my" to only show history entries specific to you. Pass * to present a screen where you can enter whatever criteria you wish.
import Start a new specification by importing data from various sources. Some models support an import command. For details on this command refer to the individual model help.
list List specifications. If parameter one is a model, the list will be restricted to specifications associated with this model. You can use = to represent the current model. If parameter one is not a model, it is assumed to be the name of a specification wildcard, unless there is a second parameter in which case parameter one is assumed to be a model.
list table - list specifications for the table model
list t* - list specifications starting with t
list boot> prod* - list specifications starting with prod for models starting from boot.
logoff Sign out of GenHelm and release session data. N/A
logon Switch to a new website. Enter the name of the site directory associated with the website you want to switch to. If you omit this parameter, you will be presented with a list of sites from which to choose.
new Obtain a list of models to start a new specification. Parameter one can be used to restrict the name of the models shown. For example new t* would list only models starting with t. Use new page to get a list of only the page oriented models.
newtab Open a new tab to edit another object for the current website. Can pass a command to be used within the new tab.
next Navigate to the next spec (after the current spec) in alphabetical order. This can be abbreviated to n. N/A
pages Show a list of pages in the current site and allow a page to be selected for editing. Can pass up to two parameters. If two parameters are passed, the first parameter must be the name of a model. The first of one or the second of two parameters can be the id of a page. Wildcard characters can be added to the end of the page id.
prev Navigate to the previous spec (before the current spec) in alphabetical order. This can be abbreviated to p. N/A
replace Used to save a specification using the same name as an existing specification. Parameter one is the name of the specification to be replaced. All components generated by the replaced specification will be deleted.
restore Restore a previously archived version of the current specification. -1 restores the latest archive, -2 the second latest, etc. 1 restores the oldest archive, 2 the second oldest, etc. Omit the parameter to see a list of available archived versions.
save Save the current specification only. Normally the stow command is used to save specifications while at the same time generating the components associated with the specification. Sometimes the stow command will fail to validate so the save command is needed to save the specification for later review.
sort Sort the current specification. This command is only supported by certain models. Parameters can be used to indicate the sort column(s). This is model specific.
stow Generate the components associated with the specification and save the specification. For previously stowed components, this command may be invoked using <ctrl>s. Warning: Be very careful when using <ctrl>s because if you accidentally press <ctrl>w this closes your tab and you will lose any pending changes. This can be disabled under Chrome but does not seem to be possible under the Edge browser. If the name is not already known a parameter must be supplied to specify the name to be used.
test Unit test the current component. This command is not supported by all models. Use on to turn test mode on or off to turn it off. html will show raw html, render will show rendered html. mobile will show the mobile output, desktop will show the desktop output.
version Get the version of GenHelm N/A

Help Index

GenHelm Architecture GenHelm Architecure.
Why GenHelm? Summary of the GenHelm methodology.
Getting Started Learn how to start a new website.
Naming Conventions Naming web pages and other items.
Common Web Page Fields Descriptions of fields that are common to all page models.
Layouts Defining codeframes and layouts.
Styles and Scripts Descriptions of fields that are common to all page models.
Meta Tags How to configure meta tags for your site and specific pages.
Dollar Functions General information about dollar functions.
Navigation Tips Navigation Tips and Techniques
Favourite Icons How to configure favorite icons for your site.
Blog Maintenance Blog and post administration.
Direct Command Help Help for the direct command field.
Programming with GenHelm Writing programs that interact with the GenHelm framework.